Geocaching as a teamevent
Teams look for well camouflaged containers (Geocaches) along a route using GPS devices. The containers contain tasks or puzzles that the team must solve. Each team looks for their own caches.
Geocaching as a teamevent?

Geocaching is a location and movement based activity using GPS devices. Small teams receive a sequence of coordinates and look for well camouflaged containers (caches) that can be found by using high quality GPS devices. Even if the team is in the right location, the cache might not be obvious to see. Only by looking carefully, using a process of elimination, looking closely at items around one and focusing on things that one would normally not pay attention to, will lead to the discovery of the cache.
A cache (location, container) is about the size of a film container or slightly larger and fits into its environment perfectly and contains a small task or puzzle for the team.
The task or puzzle challenges different skills of the team, creativity, logic and working together will help solve it. More often than not, the client creates quizzes/tasks about the company that we can gladly include.
The teams are supported by us the whole time. At the beginning there is a briefing and during the entire event, a helpline is available for the participants. A coordinator on bike or on foot is always close by to the teams.
Geocaching is the perfect idea for a company outing, your team building events or as a company event.

- We believe that people have an intuitive joy looking for and finding something
- It is a pleasure to discover something in front of your face that was not visible before
- It is satisfying to find your way around in a new environment
- It is fulfilling to be on track of something that comes together little by little
- It is challenging to communicate well in the team

In vielen Fällen wird geocaching bei uns als eigenständiges Business Event, Betriebsausflug oder Incentive gebucht, weiters als Sideevent zu Kongressen oder Meetings meist in direkter Umgebung des Tagungsortes oder als Teamtraining oder Teil eines Teamtrainings.
We work directly for companies or as a sub contractor for event agencies. Our list of references
can be found here. Eine Referenzliste finden Sie hier.
Give us the name of your hotel or your preferred region and we will plan your Geocaching event accordingly.
Half of our customers prefer to do Geocaching in an urban setting (parks, inner city, places of interest, …) The other half prefer to do geocaching in nature, mostly during a hike or hike from a hotel to a restaurant. The route usually covers between 3 and 6 kilometres.
No. Usually the route is 4 kilometres and can be covered at a comfortable pace. If the event should be more athletic, the route can then cover terrain with more altitude difference.WHAT HAPPENS AT THE END?
Normally during company outings, Geocaching ends in a restaurant where the solution to the puzzles are presented. When Geocaching is used in team training, it ends with a debriefing of the previously agreed upon team goals and if they have been reached so that a structured exchanged of experiences can be shared. Sometimes due to organisational reasons, it is better not to meet as a large group. The individual teams have their task solution discussed and then go on their separate ways.IS IT A COMPETITION?
There are many different approaches. Two thirds of our customers see Geocaching as a cooperative effort for the whole group with no external pressure. It is about the fun and the shared experience and at the end a puzzle is solved. The other third of our customers see Geocaching as a competition and this influences the type of puzzles and questions. At the end, an award ceremony takes place for the winning team. In both cases it is not about the speed of completion nor which team reaches the goal first.HOW LONG DOES A GPS EVENT LAST?
Geocaching normally takes about 2 to 2,5 hours including a briefing and debriefing. We can adjust
the length of the event to your needs and we keep an eye on the the different speeds of the
teams. Due to our experience, we can judge and control the difficulty of hiding places, the route,
the length of time and puzzles.
In contrast to the worldwide Geocaching game, we hide all of the caches for events ourselves. All of the caches are tailored for your event are measured and distributed on the preceding day of your event. They are distributed in such a manner so that nobody needs to put themselves in any form of danger, nor that their discovery is revolting (i.e in a dog zone). The caches are hidden where it is legal (No private land, permission for parks etc.) Ask our competitors if their caches are individually hidden or are permanently fixed.
We hide caches for each team. For 10 teams with 4 caches each means that we hide 40 caches.
Often there are parallel caches whose coordinates are known to both teams. This means that each team will find between 6 and 7 caches. The large amount of caches hidden is one of the many signs of quality at teaminprogress, compare our offer with our competitors and see how many hidden caches they offer.
The coordinates are measured exactly during the preparation phase and programmed into the GPS devices. The GPS devices are GARMIN GPSMAP 64s and are the newest generation of the GPSMAP series and have incredible reception. The devices also receive signals from the Russian system, GLONASS and are therefore better than many other devices. In optimal conditions, the devices have a precision of 1 – 2 metres and will bring you close to the camouflaged container you are looking for. In bad conditions (between buildings or wet woodland etc.) the device will bring you only within 7 metres of the cache you are looking for. The precision is taken into mind while hiding the caches and the caches will be easier to find if need be. The colour display of the device has a very good map display. Ask our competitors about their devices. If they are for example Etrex devices, then you need to expect worse reception and a poor map display. These devices also only cost a third of the devices we use. You should avoid providers that want to send
you on your way with only your smartphone.

We lead team building Geocaching business events for very large groups with hundreds of participants as we have more than enough GPS devices. We have our own game system for large groups. Naturally we can also make an offer for smaller groups. The entire group is divided into smaller teams of 3 to 6 people and each team will look for their own caches. Ask our competitors what size their teams are and how many devices per team they have available.
Our offer includes a suggested route, number of teams and caches, amount and type of devices, puzzle sheets (with your company logo), briefing and debriefing, a helpline and coordination during the event. You can also provide your own puzzles and tasks if you so wish. We can gladly offer you further ideas for company outings and company events.WHERE DOES TEAMINPROGRESS OPERATE?
Whether it is in Vienna, Styria, Salzburg, Munich or Zurich, we operate in the whole german speaking part of Europe, we don’t shy away from any journey. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you
are looking for further ideas for your company outing!
Physical Geocaches
Physical Geocaches are found (no virtual points or QR codes)
hidden perfectly
The caches are hidden perfectly in their environment and are „visibly invisible“. Even if you are standing directly in front of them, they are difficult to see.
hidden specifically for your event
The caches are hidden specifically for your event - no listed caches from various geocaching platforms are used.
Each team looks for their own caches
Team A cannot find the caches of Team B and there are no combined caches.
high precision Garmin GPSMAP 64s high end devices
Each team receives 2 high quality, high precision Garmin GPSMAP 64s high end devices with current maps to use.
Help line and immediate support
Help line and immediate support from coordinator on bike
funny and challenging
funny and challenging puzzles and tasks.
easy to use
Devices are easy to use
team activity with movement and creative thinking
Geocaching is generally not competitive, but a comfortable team activity with movement and creative thinking. The event can optionally be done as a team competition with an award ceremony.
Upper Austria
- Salzburg Stadt
- Bamberg
- Frankfurt
- Karlsruhe
- München
- Luzern
- Zürich